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Tribute Wall

Barbara Bourrie posted a condolence
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Barry and Holly, Todd and Shawna and Cal, Joel and Nicky, Olivia and Tucker, I was so sorry to hear about Mrs. Norris. She was such a lovely person, and I know she will be so dearly missed. I used to see her at baseball when the kids were young. I always enjoyed a little chat with her while we enjoyed the game. I will never forget the tale about her gently shooing the giant tree spider (my nightmare!) out of her front entry with a baseball bat! What a lady!
Cathy Smith posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
. Barry and Holly we send our condolences to the family. You will have wonderful memories of a life well lived. She certainly filled every moment with meaningful acts of kindness.
Larry and Cathy Smith
Charles Myles posted a condolence
Monday, November 28, 2022
To all the younger Norrises under 85. Our memories of Lois are like everyone else, a warm and considerate lady. We met during their years in Leaside and both our families entrenched in the Lions Club. She reached an extraordinary age.
Our condolences to the whole family,
Joyce and Chuck Myles
Sandra & Larry Walker posted a condolence
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Barry, Holly, Todd, Shawna, Cal, Joel, Nicky, Olivia and Tucker
We send our heartfelt condolences to all of you on the loss of your Mom, Mother-In-Law, Grandma & Great-Grandma.
It is so very hard to lose someone so special but the wonderful memories you all have will remain in your hearts forever.
She was such a lovely person to be around because she was always so pleasant and never complained about a thing.
With the love and constant support given to her by Barry and Holly she was able to enjoy living in her home much longer than most. She knew how lucky she was and appreciated and loved her family very much. She will truly be missed by many.
Sandra & Larry Walker
Todd Norris posted a condolence
Friday, November 25, 2022
This is the most difficult thing I ever had to write and I apologize that it's taken me a few days to get it out.
It's hard to believe that you've left us.
97 orbits around the sun is such a full life.
Thank you for always being my #1 fan. You'd even stay back home until Christmas when Grandpa went down to Florida so you wouldn't miss my games and then made sure to rush back for playoffs.
I'll miss all the chats about the Jay's but will never forget all of our trips down to uncle Ken's to see them live. Especially the time you turned onto Adelaide in the opposite direction of the one way traffic...the only time I ever heard you swear.
I'll never forget your voice, reading me my Cookie Monster book when I was 3. "A big black felt hat"...amazing the little things that never leave you.
I'll never forget the time when you had Shawna, Cal, and I over for dinner when he was teething. We couldn't get him to settle so you took him down to your room and at 84 years old you bounced up and down with him on your bed.
No one could ever make a milkshake like you did every day after school when I stopped in on my way home from the bus.
And how can I ever forget our Monoply marathons when I was 5. I always thought it was just a game until a few years later when I realized you were prepping me to be a math nerd.
You volunteered so much of your time to so many different organizations and touched so many lives...you set such a great example for your family.
The world lost an amazing lady and I'm just so proud that I could call you Gram.
I miss you.
I love you.
Earl and Janis Cronin posted a condolence
Friday, November 25, 2022
Barry, Holly and family. We send our condolence's. I'm sure you have many good memories of your Mom. Hold them close to your heart. Love and prayers. Earl and Janis
The family of Lois Ada Norris uploaded a photo
Friday, November 25, 2022

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Cheryll Barr posted a condolence
Friday, November 25, 2022
Barry, Holly and families
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, sending hugs, thoughts and prayers
to everyone that knew and loved your Mother.
Carol & Cheryll

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22 Sturgeon Bay Road,
P.O. Box 190
Coldwater, ON L0K 1E0
Funeral Establishment Operator - Class 1
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